Because your accountant should help you reduce tax, grow your business and help you achieve your goals

We solve accounting problems, so you can focus on growing your business

Understand your numbers and grow your business 

Access the right advice when you need it 

Never worry about the ATO again 

How much is not working closely with your accountant costing you?

Most business owners don't work closely with their accountant, so business can feel like a continual struggle. When you aren't working closely with your accountant...

  • You don't know when your next tax liability is due
  • You don't know how much your next tax liability will be
  • You don't have money set aside to cover tax
  • You don't feel like you are on track to achieve your goals
  • You struggle to find time for yourself outside the business
  • You aren't paying yourself enough

The right accountant should work closely with you and your business to help you reduce tax, grow your business, and help you achieve your goals. Most people want to run a great, rewarding business but don't know how. Work with Cake Accounting and have the business you've always wanted.

Why work with Cake Accounting?

Make sure you are paying the right amount of tax (and no more)

Increase your profit

Plan for the future that you really want

Here is how to get started:


Schedule Initial Call

Find out if we are a good fit for you and your business


We Complete Our Business & Tax Review

We take the time to fully understand you and your business


Enjoy Knowing Your Are On Track

Run your business knowing that you are on track to achieve your goals, and you are not overpaying in tax

How Are We Different? 

As a growing small business ourselves, we deeply understand the challenges you and your business face.
We believe that business owners should be able to have their cake and eat it too, so much that we built our business on it.